This month, I was busy with a portrait commission and illustrating a children's book.
I finished and shipped the portrait to my friend in Ohio, just a few days ago. These are three of her grandchildren, so I really wanted her to love it. I'm always nervous when there is more than one subject in the portrait. But, I was satisfied with the result (as was my client, thankfully) --
watercolor by Pat Howard, 29" x 21" |
Another fun project was "Annabelle" -- illustrations for a baby's board book. Here are a few of the illustrations: (there were 11 total)
And, of course, I continue to take lots of pictures, which may or may not become paintings, down the road:
Geraniums, safely inside before the first snowfall of the season.
A harmless wolf spider on our back deck -- scary and hairy, but harmless. Glad he was OUTSIDE!
Morning visitors
Alan starting on a new project -- his last before he retires.
The view out our front window in Durango